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Erectile Dysfunction

The #1 Cause of ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

November 27, 20234 min read

The #1 Cause of ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

erectile Dysfunction

It's all about blood.

Blood flow that is.

Blood Flow

Blood Flow

Blood Flow

Why is it so important? ……

Simple. Just think about it.

What does blood actually transport? ..........................Nutrients.

The #1 Nutrient your body needs is ……..OXYGEN.

Your circulatory system’s primary function is to transport oxygen from your lungs to your cells.

When this system is deficient, the cells in your extremities (hands, feet and “nether regions”) start to malfunction or become less efficient in doing whatever they do.

So one of the first signs of Cardiovascular disease or circulatory deficiency is…….ED (Yes, Your “flesh balloon” down there).

If you are experiencing ED or overall lack of function, it is more than likely tied to circulatory problems. (not always, but 70 - 85% of the time)

First, always address the cardiovascular issue,

then we can move to the “Lack of stiffness”.

Here’s the RUB..

Even if you start to eat right, workout more frequently & take all the prescriptions your doc gave you to be more cardio-vascularly fit, that still may not fix the problem down stairs. There may be too much damage from decades of harm from bad food, bad behavior and just use (age).

You may be asking yourself…”This is my problem, what can I do?”

Here are 3 things that can help you get your “swing” back

1. You are what you eat - Its not just about food and RX drugs. There are supplements that may be necessary to get your blood flow back to the levels that function.

Here are a few.

** Arginine

** Citrulline

** AKG - Alpha-KetoGlutarate

** Niacin

2. Pump, pump, pump it upA good penile pump is invaluable.

Extremely Valuable

Embarrassing….sure, but i t can really move the needle.

Here’s why….As we age, two things happen…

The blood vessels down there, start to become weak and feeble thus blood flow is limited

With low blood flow, the “meat” of your member begins to shrink. Yes Shrinkage!!!

With a good pump, you can stop the shrinkage (think of blowing up a balloon) & even begin helping the blood vessels regenerate.

3. You need Therapy - Now we get to the good stuff.........Therapy.

Question - What therapy is available to increase blood flow in the penile region?

Answer - SOUND………………….Yes, Sound

I'm not talking about Yelling at your “Junk” to get up,

NO, I'm talking about Focused Sound/Shock waves

Let's get down to the science:

When a very low energy sound / shock wave is focused to a certain area, it is distributing enough to an area (with a low level of energy) to produce a desired bodily response.

What we do:

** In 20-30 minutes, we use a focused shockwave therapeutic machine to apply low energy shockwaves to your nether regions (don’t worry it doesn’t hurt). As the shockwaves are applied, you can actually see the blood vessels coming “back to life”.

After treatment, you have no downtime at all. Back to Work, home or Somewhere else.

On average, 10-15 treatments over the course of 3 months has been seen to make the greatest change.

4. Practice makes Perfect – Yes practice.

Once you get the ball,…..Shoot

Once you get in the boat,.….Row

Once you “get it up”,……Have sex………& a lot of it.

If you don’t use it,… know the rest.

It is imperative to get going if you haven’t for a while.

Get past the embarrassment, fear and anxiety and get to “Lovin”. Make a habit with your spouse or significant other to have relations every day or many times a day. Make up for lost time. This will help get your heads (both of them) back into the groove of regular action. Think of the gym, when you stay away from it everything is awkward and uncomfortable until you hit the gym for a few weeks. Then it's like riding a bike, you never forget how.

The same applies here. Your hips have not forgotten even though your head says otherwise.

So…...Get UP….then get in (Repeat many times over)

In summary, take care of your cardiovascular health immediately with your primary care physician. Once you start the right habits for good health, then it's time to clean up the mess you made.

Give us a call 😁

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