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low T

Do I have Low Testosterone?

November 27, 20233 min read

Do I have Low Testosterone?

If you are 40+ years old....You probably do!

Low T

As we age, we become less and less efficient in utilizing our hormones. For men, the most important hormone is Testosterone.

It keeps us "Manly men".

Lets try the "ADAM" test

The Androgen Deficiency in Ageing Males (ADAM) test allows users to gain an insight into whether or not the symptoms they are experiencing may be suggestive of Testosterone Deficiency (TD), and in turn, whether they should visit a doctor to get their testosterone levels checked.


  1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)? Yes / No

  1. Do you have a lack of energy? Yes / No

  1. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance? Yes / No

  1. Have you lost height? Yes / No

  2. Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"? Yes / No

  3. Are you sad and/or grumpy? Yes / No

  4. Are your erections less strong? Yes / No

  5. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports? Yes / No

  6. Are you falling asleep after dinner? Yes / No

  7. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance? Yes / No

If you answered, YES to 2 or more of the questions above, you may need to have your Testosterone levels checked.

Here is something we hear from patients all the time....

"I have already talked to my doctor and he said everything was fine.

He did checked my blood and said I was within the 'Normal Levels'.

But Why do I feel so BAD?"

Here is the Real Deal when it comes to your (PCP) primary care provider and hormone testing:

1.. Your PCP doesn't deal with Hormones malfunction or efficiency much. What they learned in Med school is to pass it off to the endocrinologist. They deal with hormone malfunction.

2.. The Endocrinologist has a standard they follow. If anything is outside of that standard, something is malfunctioning and then they spring into action.

3.. If your blood labs fall within the standard set by endocrinologists , your PCP will tell you that you are in normal parameters and your hormones are fine.

Here's the RUB....

This standard does not account for Hormone Efficiency, just for Hormone Malfunction.

Hormones are communicators in your body. They tell the Body to "Do This" or "Do That". If the become less and less efficient, it is equivalent to a parent telling their child to clean up his room, but all he hears is the "Charlie Brown Noise" - Wah wah wah wah!

So to truly measure your Hormone levels there are two test kits to be performed:

** Saliva Labs

** Blood Labs

By analyzing how your hormones work together, we can find the true deficiency and prescribe the treatment or therapy to realign the balance.



Saliva Labs

Saliva labs are taken at home, when you first wake & before you eat.

They will test your main sex-hormone levels including: Testosterone, Estrogens, Progesterone, DHEA, Cortisol levels.


Blood labs (Plasma)

Blood Labs are taken in office by a phlebotomist. That sample is sent to lab for analysis of the following (but are not limited to): PSA, Total Testosterone, Thyroid (T3/T4/TSH), SHBG, LH.

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Focused Shockwave Therapy

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Ageless PRP - P-Shot

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Lawndale, CA 90260


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