Free Men's Health Bio-Tools


Men's Health USA

Men's Health USA's FREE Bio-Tools

Free Bio-Tools for Men

When it comes to checking your Testosterone, most primary care practitioners will order certain labs for you. When they order Testosterone, it is almost always Total Testosterone. It not bad to check your TT (total testosterone), but it doesn't give you a clear enough picture of what's going on.

Through these Bio-Tools, you can get a very basic estimation on your FREE Testosterone and your Bio-Available Testosterone. We also attached a SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Men) Test for ED.

To learn more, visit our office and receive a Blood (plasma) and Saliva Test. or

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Free Testosterone Estimation

Testosterone Calculator

Free Testosterone refers to the unbound and biologically active fraction of testosterone circulating in the bloodstream. Unlike total testosterone, which includes both bound and free forms, free testosterone represents the portion of the hormone that is readily available to interact with androgen receptors in various tissues throughout the body. Calculating free testosterone is particularly relevant in understanding an individual's hormonal status and assessing potential hormonal imbalances.

So-Called "Normal" Free Testosterone Ranges

Age ................................. Adult Male

30 - <35..............................4.85-19.0
35 - <40

40 - <45 .............................4.46-17.1

45 - <50..............................4.26-16.4

50 - <55............................. 4.06-15.6

55 - <60............................. 3.87-14.7

60 - <65..............................3.67-13.9

65 - <70..............................3.47-13.0

70 - <75..............................3.28-12.2

75 - <80..............................3.08-11.3

Bio-Available Testosterone Estimation

Testosterone Calculator

Bioavailable Testosterone represents the fraction of testosterone that is both free and loosely bound to albumin in the bloodstream, making it biologically active and available for cellular uptake. Calculating bioavailable testosterone is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of an individual's androgen status, as it accounts for the testosterone that can readily interact with androgen receptors in tissues.

Normal Bio-Available Testosterone Ranges for Adult Males

Ages 20-30: Approximately 110 to 575 ng/dL

Ages 30-40: Approximately 100 to 500 ng/dL

Ages 40-50: Approximately 90 to 475 ng/dL

Ages 50-60: Approximately 80 to 450 ng/dL

Ages 60-70: Approximately 70 to 425 ng/dL

SHIM Score

Score 1: Very Low.....Score 2: Low.....Score 3: Moderate.....Score 4: High.....Score 5: Very High

SHIM Calculator

The SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Men) score provides a quantitative measure to assess the severity of erectile dysfunction (ED).

22-25: No erectile dysfunction: A score in this range suggests that the individual is likely experiencing little to no difficulty with erectile function.

17-21: Mild erectile dysfunction: Individuals with scores in this range may experience occasional difficulties but generally have satisfactory erectile function.

12-16: Mild to moderate erectile dysfunction: This range indicates more noticeable difficulties with erectile function, impacting sexual satisfaction.

8-11: Moderate erectile dysfunction: Individuals in this range may experience significant challenges with erectile function, leading to a notable impact on sexual satisfaction.

5-7: Severe erectile dysfunction: A score in this range suggests severe impairment of erectile function, significantly affecting sexual satisfaction and performance.

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Shockwave therapy

Choosing the Right Wave: Exploring the Benefits of Focused Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Over Radial Pressure Wave Therapy

November 27, 20234 min read

Choosing the Right Wave: Exploring the Benefits of Focused Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Over Radial Pressure Wave Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent and distressing condition that affects millions of men worldwide. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have led to the development of various treatment options, among which shockwave therapy has gained significant attention. Shockwave therapy comes in two main forms: focused shockwave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of focused shockwave therapy over radial pressure wave therapy for treating ED.

Mens Health USA

Understanding Shockwave Therapy:

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive and innovative treatment for ED that utilizes acoustic waves to improve blood flow to the penile tissues, ultimately enhancing erectile function. These waves stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and enhance the regeneration of existing ones. Two primary types of shockwave therapy are commonly used: focused shockwave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy.

1. Focused Shockwave Therapy: Precision and Penetration

Focused shockwave therapy involves the use of a device that emits high-energy acoustic waves targeted directly at the area requiring treatment. This focused approach allows for precision in targeting the affected tissues, ensuring that the energy is concentrated on the specific region of the penis. The depth of penetration is also a crucial factor, as it allows the waves to reach the deeper layers of tissue where the root causes of ED may lie.

Benefits of Focused Shockwave Therapy:

  • Precise Targeting: The primary advantage of focused shockwave therapy lies in its ability to precisely target the affected area. By concentrating energy on the specific regions of the penis, it maximizes the therapeutic effects and accelerates the healing process.

  • Deep Penetration: Focused shockwaves penetrate deeper into the tissues, reaching the cavernous bodies of the penis. This depth of penetration is essential for addressing the underlying causes of ED, such as impaired blood flow and tissue damage.

  • Enhanced Efficacy: The precision and depth of focused shockwave therapy contribute to its enhanced efficacy in promoting the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and stimulating the release of growth factors. This, in turn, improves blood circulation and encourages tissue regeneration.

  • Minimal Discomfort: Due to its targeted nature, patients often experience minimal discomfort during focused shockwave therapy. The waves are directed specifically at the treatment site, reducing the likelihood of side effects or discomfort in surrounding areas.

2. Radial Pressure Wave Therapy: Widespread Impact with Limitations

Radial pressure wave therapy, on the other hand, employs a handheld device that emits shockwaves in a radial pattern, spreading out from the point of contact. While this method is effective for certain conditions, it may not provide the same level of precision and depth as focused shockwave therapy.

Limitations of Radial Pressure Wave Therapy:

  • Surface-Level Treatment: Radial pressure wave therapy primarily affects the surface tissues of the penis, limiting its ability to reach the deeper layers where the root causes of ED may reside. This may result in less effective outcomes, especially for individuals with more severe cases of ED.

  • Less Targeted Approach: The radial pattern of shockwaves means that the treatment is less targeted, impacting a broader area. While this may be suitable for certain conditions, it may not be ideal for ED, where precision in addressing specific tissues is crucial.

  • Reduced Penetration: Compared to focused shockwave therapy, radial pressure wave therapy has reduced penetration into the deeper tissues. This limitation can impact its ability to stimulate significant angiogenesis and tissue regeneration.

  • Potential Discomfort: The wider distribution of shockwaves in radial pressure wave therapy may lead to increased discomfort during the procedure. The energy is dispersed over a larger area, potentially causing discomfort in surrounding tissues.


While both focused shockwave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy show promise in the treatment of ED, the advantages of focused shockwave therapy are noteworthy. Its precision, deep penetration, enhanced efficacy, and minimal discomfort make it a preferred choice for many patients and healthcare professionals.

When considering shockwave therapy for ED, individuals should consult with their healthcare providers to determine the most suitable approach based on the severity of their condition and individual health factors. As technology continues to advance, the field of ED treatment is likely to see further refinements and improvements in both focused and radial pressure wave therapies. However, for now, the focused approach stands out as a more targeted and effective option for those seeking a non-invasive solution to reclaim their sexual health and well-being.

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15901 Hawthorne Blvd. #450A

Lawndale, CA 90260


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Men's Health USA works closely with our patients to create custom-tailored, medically guided treatment plans that optimize their mental acuity, body composition and and performance.

Men's Health USA can only provide prescriptions or therapy services to patients who have a clinical need. To determine a clinical need, patients must complete any required lab work, physician consultations, examinations and a medical history review.

Please note that even if you complete these steps, a clinical necessity for our prescriptions or hormone therapy may not be found.

Any claims or opinions stated within our Men's Health USA website should not be constructed as medical advice or as a diagnostic. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Please be advised that the statements on this informational website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.